Argh my hands are aching and my wrist is sore from sitting at the computer for much of the day updating this blessed online shop I'm trying to get going. Trudi from trudi-quiltingprolifically was very kind a blog or two back to highlight my free bindings tutorial and my shop. It was so lovely of her to do this but of course the shop wasn't really ready so I've been trying to set that right. It takes ages! If any of you have ever Etsied or Ebayed you will know how time consuming this can be for one or 2 items but I had 40 odd to put up and at 12.30 today I had only still only managed to sort out just a half-dozen of them. I'm still not finished but the last few will have to wait until after supper and the laundry is done. The shop is active though and I would love to hear your comments about it.
Your shop looks fantastic! Your hard work has paid off!
These zippered cases are wonderful! What kind of thread did you use to stitch them? They should sell quickly! Good luck!
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