Detail of "Ginger Bliss" 12" x 12" 2008.
(Cotton, bubble wrap and bobbin quilting)
As a child and young women my drive for 'perfection' would often lead to frustration, trantrums and tears. With maturity I have learnt to adopt a more 'laissez faire' approach to many aspects of my life and whilst I will always try my best I am now able to accept the notion of "let do". I have come to appreciate that perfection , like beauty, is very much in the eye of the beholder and what is considered a so called 'defect' by one will be viewed as a 'style element' by another. For many of us it is often a natural response to counter praise by drawing attention to our imperfections. I am not quite sure why we do this - perhaps to cover congratulatory embarrassment or most probably because we believe our mistakes detract from the work. We become focused on 'the parts' instead of appreciating the 'whole' . I am sure I am not the only one eho has heard the response " well if you hadn't have said ... I wouldn't have known" when pointing out a so-called mistake? I have a friend who is afraid to make mistakes. She is not able to 'let-go', let things be and develop her own style. She will accept nothing less than perfection and as a result makes very little. She is a follower of Seneca who said "quality is better than quantity" ? But there is also a view that suggests it is better to create imperfect work today than to wait until you have achieved perfection tomorrow. I now agree with the later view. Whilst my work may not be perfect I am at least creating and with each new creation I learn something new, improve a known technique, refine my skill base and become more familiar with my own strengths and weaknesses. All of my work has flaws in it. Yes I will 'rip' and redo major trouble spots but I will now question if it is necessary to do so beforehand and I no longer draw attention to them if I decide to leave them because they are the essence of what makes my work mine!