I really enjoyed the 2 days I managed to get away to this years FOQ in Birmingham last week BUT ... and I hate to say it there wasn't a great deal that excited me this year and I feel so guilty for saying this outloud, but its true I'm afraid. Without exception Helen Godden's fantastic bleach painted piece piece - "Mother Earth" was the out and out winner for me and should really have taken best in show in my view.Quite rightly though it did win the Art section. It was incredibly well executed. Her control of the bleaching process to create light and shadow is masterly and her machine quilting adds great texture and definition. I loved this piece and would have spent a long long time looking at it if crowd control were to have allowed me. Unfortunately it didn't so I was pressed to move on ...but I have photos! I saw Helen at work with 2 other Australian ladies - calling themselves The Three Sisters on The Quilt Show some while back and admired there collaborative work then - but flying solo she really excels! If only I could paint with ordinary paint let alone bleach! Getting back to reality though I did enjoy the Amy Butler class I took on Friday afternoon. It was relaxed and very undemanding and I really enjoyed sharing a couple of hours sewing with my mate Emma. We were also lucky enough to have the run of a whole house for our 2 night stay while the owners were away on vacation so as a massive thankyou we left out spoils from the day on her armchairs in the conservatory. I hope our absent host likes them.
Today is GCSE results day here in the UK and I am so thrilled that DD has done well with 4 A stars and 3 A's in the mix. Well done Rowey!! But I am sad too - next week she leaves home to start the next chapter in her education. But we have a BBQ for 30 odd mates and a couple of parents before she goes - yikes!
The summer has been a long a lovely one with everyone at home -
even DH has been around! In fact its the first summer he has been in the UK for 3 years. So I am at least happy for this! So I wont mope for too long! In fact to celebrate what has been a very good summer I have made my binding booklet free to download for the whole of September. So tell your mates! Click on the link at the side of the blog and download it free from Lulu. Let me know what you think when you've had chance to review it.
Right I need to do some more prep for Saturdays street market. Keep your fingers crossed it doesn't rain!